Monday, October 13, 2008

Obama's Expanded Economic Plans

So now that Obama wants to give corperations tax breaks, can McCain start running misleading ads that state "Obama wants to give tax breaks to companies who ship jobs overseas"


Anonymous said...

Interesting point. I'm sure that McCain will run misleading or negative ads though, they are all he has left at this point.

It was nice to see Obama offered proposals that differ from the failed trickle down philosophies that McCain eagerly embraced Tuesday. (Failed philosophies unless you measure success by how quickly deficits can explode).

If you look at the tax plans the middle class receives a better deal under the Obama plan than the McCain plan, although I personally believe either one will have to raise taxes in one way or another. That is, unless they want to dig our hole even deeper and bankrupt our children further.

By the way, you had mentioned the Chris Dodd and Barney Frank connection to Fannie and Freddie, and it would be nice to see both expelled from their seats. But as we know, ignorance often merits reward on Capital Hill.

Josh Pollard said...


"I'm sure that McCain will run misleading or negative ads though"

They would be no more misleading than the ads that Obama has run on McCains cooperate tax cuts.

"It was nice to see Obama offered proposals that differ from the failed trickle down philosophies that McCain eagerly embraced"

Really? how are corporate tax cuts not embracing trickle down? It was McCain that proposed tax cuts for individuals on unemployment insurance.

With regards to Fannie and Freddy, you might want to check out how much money obama has gotten from them.